Entering the world of fertility treatment can feel like stepping into a new language. The fertility community uses numerous acronyms and shorthand terms that might seem overwhelming, but they provide a valuable shorthand for describing complex medical processes and the shared experiences of patients on this journey.

You often will see these acronyms used in social media posts, message boards, or online community as patients look for support and answers. Here’s a breakdown of common fertility acronyms to help you understand the terms used in consultations, online forums, and support groups.
The Basics: Starting Your Fertility Journey
As you begin the fertility journey, you'll quickly encounter terms like TTC (Trying to Conceive) and TWW (Two-Week Wait). These acronyms reflect the journey and stages of treatment, from the early days of monitoring your menstrual cycle to undergoing assisted reproductive technologies.
AF (Aunt Flo): Commonly used to refer to your period or menstrual cycle.
BCP (Birth Control Pills): Birth control may be used to regulate your cycle ahead of certain fertility treatments.
BD (Baby Dance): A lighthearted term referring to intercourse when trying to conceive.
OB/GYN (Obstetrician/Gynecologist): Often, your fertility journey will start with your regular OB/GYN, who might refer you to a specialist if needed.
Diagnostic and Treatment Terms: What to Expect
During your fertility journey, a variety of tests and treatments are common, each with its own acronym. Understanding these terms can help demystify the process and make it easier to follow conversations with your healthcare team.
HSG (Hysterosalingogram): An X-ray test to check if the fallopian tubes are open.
SA (Semen Analysis): A test analyzing a partner's sperm count and quality.
ER (Egg Retrieval): A procedure where eggs are collected for use in IVF.
ET (Embryo Transfer): Transferring embryos into the uterus as part of IVF treatment.
Treatment Related Terms
When it comes to advanced fertility treatments, the language of assisted reproductive technology (ART) comes into play. These methods are aimed at increasing the chances of conception for individuals and couples experiencing challenges.
ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology): Techniques like in vitro fertilization (IVF) that help with conception.
IVF (In Vitro Fertilization): A common ART technique where an egg is fertilized outside the body.
IUI (Intrauterine Insemination): A procedure where sperm is placed directly into the uterus.
ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection): A technique where a single sperm is injected directly into an egg, often used in IVF.
Monitoring and Testing: Understanding the Numbers and Timing
As part of ART, monitoring your cycle and embryo development becomes key. Several acronyms describe various stages of the IVF process and results monitoring.
BBT (Basal Body Temperature): Used to help track ovulation by recording body temperature changes.
DPO (Days Post-Ovulation) and DPT (Days Post-Transfer): Days after key events in your cycle or treatment.
HcG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin): The hormone detected in pregnancy tests; also known as “beta” when referring to test results.
CD (Cycle Day): Indicates which day of your menstrual cycle you are on, often used in tracking and monitoring.
Genetic Testing and Screening
Genetic testing is often recommended for patients in fertility treatment to assess potential genetic risks and to help make informed decisions about embryos.
PGT (Pre-implantation Genetic Testing): A general term for genetic testing on embryos, with subtypes like PGT-A (for aneuploidy), PGT-M (for specific genetic mutations), and PGT-SR (for chromosomal structural rearrangements).
DE (Donor Eggs): Eggs from a donor, used when the patient’s own eggs are not viable.
FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer): The process of thawing and transferring previously frozen embryos.
Emotional Aspects and Supportive Language
Fertility treatment can be emotionally complex, and the community has adopted terms that reflect emotional support and shared understanding.
PUPO (Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise): A term of hope used after embryo transfer until a pregnancy test can confirm results.
BFN (Big Fat Negative) and BFP (Big Fat Positive): Community terms for negative or positive pregnancy test results.
CB (Cycle Buddy): A term for someone going through treatment at the same time, offering mutual support.
Hormones and Medication Terms
Hormones and medications are essential in fertility treatments, and many of them are known by abbreviations that can be confusing at first.
PIO (Progesterone in Oil): An injectable form of progesterone often used after embryo transfer to support pregnancy.
FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone): A hormone that helps stimulate the growth of ovarian follicles, important in IVF cycles.
LH (Luteinizing Hormone): A hormone involved in ovulation and monitored in fertility treatment.
Fertility Challenges and Health Conditions
Specific terms are used to describe infertility conditions and related health challenges, which may factor into treatment plans and approaches.
PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome): A common condition that affects hormone levels and ovulation.
DOR (Diminished Ovarian Reserve): Indicates a lower quantity or quality of eggs.
MF (Male Factor): Refers to infertility challenges on the male side, such as LSP (Low Sperm Count).
Connecting with Others: Fertility Community and Resources
The fertility journey often includes connecting with others, online or in person, who are also TTC (Trying To Conceive). Support and solidarity within the fertility community can make a big difference.
FTTA (Fertile Thoughts to All): A positive wish commonly used in online fertility communities.
FF (Fertility Friend): Refers to a popular fertility tracking app but also to any friends made along the journey.
Whether you're new to the fertility journey or well along the way, understanding this language can help make things less overwhelming. Familiarizing yourself with these acronyms is a step towards empowerment, helping you feel informed, connected, and understood within a supportive community.
Our Patient Empowerment Coaches are here to help you navigate this journey and their years of experience working as fertility nurses help ensure you have access to the support and expertise you need to make an informed decision. Create an account https://app.grainfertility.com/ and schedule your free initial consultation with one of our Patient Empowerment Coaches to learn more about how Grain Fertility ensures you have what you need to navigate your fertility journey.